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Snowmobile Dress Code for Beginners: What To Wear

Going snowmobiling for the first time can be an exciting experience, but it is important to know what to wear to keep yourself warm and comfortable. Read below for a snowmobile dress code for beginners that will help you stay safe while you are out in the snow.

Make Sure You Wear Layers

One of the most important things you can do to keep yourself warm as you ride in the snow is to wear layers, which will help protect you from the cold weather. You should begin with a base layer of polyester or another synthetic material.

After that, add a mid-layer underneath, such as a light jacket or a sweater. Finally, you can top it off with your jacket and ski pants. These should consist of waterproof and windproof material that will keep you both dry and warm.

Stay Away From Cotton

An important thing to remember when deciding what to wear is to stay away from cotton at all costs. Unlike polyester, which will wick away your sweat, cotton will absorb it, leaving you cold and wet in the snow. This may result in you developing frostbite or hypothermia.

Wear a Snug Helmet

Another tip in this snowmobile dress code for beginners is to wear a snug helmet. It can protect your head from injuries if you get into an accident and will keep you warm. When picking your helmet, try to find one that is comfortable on your head and a good fit.

Protect Your Eyes With Goggles

Protecting your eyes from snow and debris in the air as you ride a snowmobile is important, so be sure to wear goggles. Unless you wear a full-face helmet with a face shield, you will need goggles to see in the snow. They can even protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.

Keep Your Hands Warm With Gloves

Don’t forget to keep your hands warm and dry on your journey with a pair of gloves. Pick windproof and waterproof products that will make riding and steering a snowmobile much easier. In addition, you can purchase gloves with removable liners that will keep you from getting too warm.

Make sure you prepare for your first snowmobile adventure so that you can enjoy it to its fullest. At Peakboys, we can help you pick out the right CKX Titan snowmobile helmet and other products so that you can have a safe trip out in the snow.